Russian Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2AD) Range: August 2016
By: Kathleen Weinberger
Russia has altered the security
balance in the Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East by establishing
large anti-access/area-denial (A2AD) exclusion zones. Russia’s power projection
in these regions has been further extended by the deployment of the S-400 air
defense system to Crimea in August 2016 and to Syria in November 2015. Advanced air defense systems create A2AD “bubbles” that
prevent Russia’s opponents from establishing air supremacy in strategically
significant theaters. The Baltic States, much of Ukraine and the Black Sea,
northern Poland, Syria and parts of Turkey fall under Russian A2AD bubbles
created by S-300 and S-400 air defense systems. Russia operates advanced air
defense not only within its own territory, but from sites in Syria and occupied
Crimea, as well as cooperatively through the Joint Air Defense Network in
Belarus and Armenia. Russia can use these systems to impede the ability of the
U.S. to defend its NATO allies by disrupting the ability of US air forces to access
conflict zones in the event of a crisis.