By: John Dunford
Key Takeaway: The U.S., Russia, and Turkey continue their
competition for influence in Northeast Syria. Russia expanded its rotary-wing
basing in Northern Syria under the terms of a deal it brokered with Turkey
regarding the Syrian-Turkish Border on October 22. Russia established a
permanent rotary-wing headquarters and support structure at Qamishli Airport on
November 14 and its attack helicopters began overflying its joint patrols with
Turkey in Northern Syria. Russia also likely intends to deploy new air defense
systems to Qamishli, allowing it to constrain further the freedom of movement
of the U.S. in Eastern Syria. Meanwhile, the U.S. expanded its ground patrol
routes to villages west of Qamishli. The U.S. will thus likely come into closer
contact with the growing number of pro-regime forces - including Russians - based
in and around Qamishli.